A KitchenAid Mixer. Ta-daahhh!
I didn't want one of those fancy ones in designer colors -- (Yuppie porn) -- just the "classic" one that will do the job and do it well.
Yes, it looks all gleaming, new and white right now. That's all well and good but I look forward to the day when this puppy will look like my grandmother's old Mix-Master. You could tell it had been used and had faithfully produced lots of tasty things to eat over the years.
Yes, the KitchenAid is an investment. This thing is something that will last a lifetime -- nay, several lifetimes. This is the type of equipment you leave behind to a loved one and on to their offspring and so forth.
It feels good having it. Even better, I was just able to whip out Julia's Bavarois aux Praline (Bavarian Cream with Almond Praline and Custard Sauce) for my friends to enjoy tonight.
It's on its way to looking like my grandmother's . . .
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